How much room do bantams need?

I don't know how you guys free range bantams. There are fearless hawks around here. No way i can free range mine without major losses. So making several large, lightweight chx tractors, as well as the run. I wish i could free range. But may as well put up a sign "free lunch for hawks."
How many square feet do bantams need inside and outside the coop?
We keep 20 in a 4x8 coop, plus 4ft x1 by nest8ng boxes built in. So 20 per 36 ft. 1.8 as ft per bird. They also have an 18x18 run though so over 16 ft outside per bird. Outside under the overhang we have roost bars too. Warm.nights al lot of them sleep outside. This only works if you seriously predator proof your coop. Our thinking was, when it's cold they pack in and snuggle up. Seems to work well. I'd be leary about 1 as ft though. Can't imagine 36 birds in one of our coops.

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