Tolbunt Polish



11 Years
Jun 16, 2008
San Antonio Texas
What exactly is a tolbunt polish color suppose to be ?

Can some one please describe the color.

Are they suppose to be Mottled, Spangled or Speckled, or like Millie Fluer

I have seen some Tolbunts with Gold lacing ?

I know Tolbunt polish breeds could not decide on the same standard, but what is the color suppose to be more or less.

I have seen different shades & color patterns in them.

Thank You,
The Tolbunt is its own color/ variety just like Mottled, Spangled and Millie Fluer are there own variety.
If memory serves me right you make the color/ variety by crossing Gold Single Laced and Mille Fleur, and then intercross the F1's.
Here is a link to the Polish Breeders Club that giver a good description on what the variety should look like..

I've heard some folks say its mille fleur on gold lacing, but one of the genetic guru's here on BYC said its *mottling* on gold lacing - and IIRC, they were pretty adamant that mille fleur would mess it up.
Does anybody Have any tolbunts here on BYC ?
If so can you post some pics. I'd really like to see some.

The color patterns & shades Varry from what I can see.

So I'm guessing, & I may be wrong, but I'm guessing that people made them their own way using different breeds to get the tolbunt color

Is there something written out that explains the genetics or creation of the Tolbunt color ?

There's a lot of outdated information out there regarding Tollbunt Polish, frankly due to the fact that we hadn't much of a clue how to go about breeding them when we first got them. Speaking as someone who tried the Orloff cross it is a complete waste of time, don't do it.

That being said, The proper patterning in Polish is a deep mahoghany brown base color with black laced edging of equal thickness which comes to the feather's tip and the tip is then mottled in white in the teardrop pattern. So to outcross you would want to use gold lace Polish. BUT part of the problem in that is that gold polish in the states are too orange to maintain the deep rich brown that is found in good tollbunts.....its kind of the same situation as what happened when folks started crossing gold laced wyandottes into blue laced reds.

The original Tollbunts that were imported into the U.S. were not from the best specimens but we could not have known that at the time as there was so much confusion about them. At one point we realized what we were breeding was so different that it should be a different color (some suggested to call it Harlequin) but that plan never came to fruition as there simply wasn't enough birds to go around to try to breed them into two seperate patterns.

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