Raisins okay for chickens

If you are giving your raisins to smaller chicks, it might be best to soak and chop them. A whole raisin will swell from the moisture in the digestive system. I would be concerned about a big raisin getting stuck and souring. Didn't much think about crops in chicks, until I got Naked Necks, and these babies crops are not covered by feathers, so they are a fleshy bulge, very evident and they fill so quickly. I will feed grit before giving them treats.

My 2 light brahmas will eat the raisins out of eachothers beaks!

I have one chicken who does not like humans (she is disabled) but will eat raisins out of my hand! When I stop feeding them they both start searching my pockets for more!

I don't think they can cause any problems, except for the sugar covered ones, which I also rinse. They are also great to use to train them, just cut them up when their chicks, cause otherwise they won't touch em!


I swear by them!
This is why I love this site. My son went to camp and took trail mix. He doesn't like raisins so he saved them for our girls. I did a Google search about raisins and chickens and this was the first thing that popped up.

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