Chicken Eye Infection


11 Years
Mar 21, 2008
Saint Johns, AZ
Hello Everyone.

One of my Dom's has an eye infection. Her left eye is swollen and she cannot open it. I cannot afford to pay the astronomical price the vets want and was wondering if anyone has had this problem and able to cure it. She is eating and drinking fine, but I can tell it hurts her. I just don't know what else to do.

Is she having any respiratory symptoms...ANYthing else other than the eye? I ask because eye symptoms such as you describe are often connected with respiratory illness.
It could also be a bacterial infection of just the need to rinse/flush that eye out with a sterile saline eye wash... (you can make your own by adding 1/4 tsp of salt to a quart of water and boiling for five minutes...allow to cool but use it while at room temp and flush the eye out with it copiously. You will need to make this up fresh daily) Look for an EYE ointment... an antibiotic one and add that to her eye after flushing.
Have a good look in the coop for wet bedding and such also. I would keep her separated tho from the others and away from the coop (so in a clean dry and temp stable environment ) so you can monitor her more closely
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Thanks for the response. I have isolated her and she doesn't have any breathing problems. She seems to have scratched it and it is now a bit scabby. I cannot open her eye, but I will continue to wash it and hope it helps. There was a similar case on here, so I picked up some antibiotics at the feed store. I will let you all know how it turns out.

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