QUECHUA /Tojuda/ Ameraucana/ Easter Eggers{ In vino veritas

Right, he'll brobably be more of an Black boned Americauna.
But the genetics are there if you wanted to breed for more copper and a pea comb.
His sisters are black copper
please don't feel restricted by a "pure breed" mentality.
Have fun!
Mix things up and just breed back to Americaunas for a few generations.
The APA does not determine ANYTHING that you have to be worried about.
I did a bunch of "back breeding" to jungle-fowl and then back to more traditional stock and really wonderful and exciting things came out in the freshened generations.
South American breeds were just called what they looked like and favorites were chosen in favor in certain situations. But for the most part they were a product of what flourished in that environment.
The APA does not determine ANYTHING that you have to be worried about.

Unless you want to sell "pure breeds" that is. 👈That was in quotations ;):hmm... Even those have to be "injected" with "fresh" genes in a side project and then introduced back into the main breeding group to keep them flourishing.
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