What Would You Do?


I am actually a female!
9 Years
Jun 21, 2010
God placed me in this world
This is a game that I made up called 'What Would You Do?' What you do is one person says a problem that your in and then askes what would ou do?
For Example:
Player 1: Your house is on fire and you only have sixty seconds to escape without being trapped. What would you do?
Player 2: I would save my family and my dog.
Your favorite dog is sick with a terrible disease. What would you do?
Player 3: I would take him to the vet and try as much as I could to save him.
Your house is going to be sold if you don't get rid of that beautiful rooster that you keep in your back yard. What would you do?
Player 4: I would... and so on.

That is how you play! So, I'll start.

Your son (if you don't have one, just play along) just found out that his Yellow Lab that he left sick with a friend while he went to Florida for a week, died overnight. hes had this dog for over fifteen years and misses him dearly. What would you do?
I would magically bring the dog back to life.

A pickle inside your fridge has suddenly come to life and has world domination plans. What woud you do?
I would throw ut outside and let my black lab eat it. (i don't like pickles

Your pen has been stolen and you really really really like that pen. You find out that the theif who stole it was Washington, coming out of his grave. What do you do?
I would eat him. *Oops.... I was late..... I would eat the pickle....

Gombo, the magical sparkly unicorn, suddenly appeared in kitchen.
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I would get my giant pink tame duck that poops purple duckie poo to eat him.

Gombo, the magical sparkly unicorn, appears in your stew pot.
I'd cook him up and season him then feed him, giving the left-overs to the chickens.

Your mother has a heart-attack and you are sitting by her death-bed as she dies. Her last words are "You are ugly and I hate you. please kill your father for me."
What would you do?
I would be stunned and shocked. I'd probably think it was just from her brain going bad.

You have to slaughter your favorite chicken or you will be sent to jail.
I would NOT slaughter my favorite chicken and when the police came for me I'd punch them and run with my chickens

You are called to dinner and see that you are having turkey stuffed lobster for dinner with a side of siamese. What do you do?

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