Cost of raising Jumbo Coturnix vs Cornish X chickens for meat ????

When it comes to factoring costs, time should not be considered unless you are purely a profit mizer. If you enjoy what you do, what kind of price can be put on it? If you don't enjoy your time with the animals, get rid of them. You cannot compete with the factories and their margins, period.
You must always consider your time my friend, as well as other expenses.
I pay myself (For Accounting reasons) slave labor pay. $1.98/hour. No medical/dental/workers comp/social security/401K matching/ or any of the other things other people in any business has to deal with. I am the CEO and lackey of this labor of love, and it's still in the RED!
Oh yes...I forgot to mention Unemployment insurance: Just in case I get lazy and have to fire myself. Gotta get my check!
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I agree that your time is valuabe. I have run two small businesses ( sole proprietor/ employee). If you are raising animals for profit, then squeeze all of the " tax insentives" you can out of it. However, if you are doing it for the welfare of your family, consider your God given gift of time " free overhead". Most of us would be sitting in the air conditioned house getting fat and lazy, otherwise. I have lost several pounds "playing" with my chicken coop and run. I enjoy it.
-- " A hobby is no longer a hobby if it becomes WORK" --
Time? How much TV do you watch? Two hours caring for livestock, you're outdoors getting exercise! Watching TV you're just rotting your mind and body.

I sense a spirit in what many of ya'll are saying - a spirit of independence & self reliance! Basic good old fashioned American values (that are betting lost).

We have chickens in part to learn, to honor our pioneer ancestors - whose hard work and virtues made this great country (not the government and not huge corporations - US).. Our children are into it too and keeping this spirit alive for the generations to come.

Guts? Chicken liver pate is great, and gizards are to some are a delicacy - and as some said, what you don't want makes pet food,' bait, fertilizer and so on.

If you don't want to do this, fine. But what did spending 3 hours watching men put balls in holes really just do for you? Or an hour o brainwashing - Er - "news?"

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