I'm adopting a greyhound. (one pict)

Ah man, husband and I have been wanting one since meeting our first purebred greyhound through an elderly couple who had an elderly adopted racer. What aSUBMIT beauty!
Hey, if anyone's still active on this thread, I would love to hear some stories about your greyhounds with chickens. I have wanted to adopt an ex-racer for years, but I also want to have some chickens. How are your hounds with free range chickens, or do your birds have to be penned while the dogs are out? I would always supervise a greyhound with chickens, even if the hound shows good behavior around them. Those of you whose hounds and birds get along, did you just adopt low-prey dogs or did you have to train them?
Most of my birds are pinned, but- part of race training is 'never catch it' so when I had three free range roosters for a time if they ran by her she would chase and stop when they stopped, or I called her off, or they got corrnered... that is just my dog YMMV.

I have a vid of me training her not to chase... (I don't have time to find it myself at the moment)

The roosters that ignored her were never chased.
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Oh hi there pasted submit button. ...Um, not sure what is up with that.

Not sure what's up with that. But it works.
Thank you:

Here is the other post

Dogs 'forget' their manner much some like teenager humans do, this occurres between 1-2 years old. Dogs need retraining and refresher courses.

I use leash training.

My greyhound on a leash is perfect, off a leash is ok as long as she can see me, off the leash without supervision she is still a danger to my birds.

From Chickens

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