Help Goats in Labor?

I need some advice for my Pygmy goat who is in labor. She has been pushing for several hours now, but not showing any sign of baby. She has white discharge but no bloody discharge or signs of water breaking. When she pushes you can see her bulging out but looks to be to high like around her anal area more. I'm not sure if she's just not dialated enough or what. I have had other Pygmy goats give birth and helped a couple but not sure what to do in this case. The others didn't take as long as soon as they started pushing it wasn't long till you seen it coming. I don't know if I need to check her or just wait and see. This is her first baby. Any advice?
I need some advice for my Pygmy goat who is in labor. She has been pushing for several hours now, but not showing any sign of baby. She has white discharge but no bloody discharge or signs of water breaking. When she pushes you can see her bulging out but looks to be to high like around her anal area more. I'm not sure if she's just not dialated enough or what. I have had other Pygmy goats give birth and helped a couple but not sure what to do in this case. The others didn't take as long as soon as they started pushing it wasn't long till you seen it coming. I don't know if I need to check her or just wait and see. This is her first baby. Any advice?
just saw your post, how did it go?
i would add: cut your fingernails down!!. and soap up with dawn or palmolive lots of suds (no harsh soaps or detergents, just sudsy) to make it all slippery (a good wash iwth an iodine soap or povidine or whateve ru have in teh america to clean hands with first.....

u need someone to hold her if u want to insert your hand. to insert your hand, put all your fingers together and also your thumb, REMEMBER TO REMOVE YOUR RINGS AND STUFF)..... and then at an angle (like inserting a tampon) slide your hand inside... if u place your other hand on her flank it relaxes her and calms her a bit...

but frankly, i would wait to see if she is in real distress. also, remember to offer her luke warm water (if it is winter where u are) even with a bit of salt in it (my vet recommends that cause he says they prefer to drink a bit saltier water when in labour or ill) and /or offer her her fave foods or a few grapes for some energy...(or cheerios or small pretzels with salt)...
as long as she is sitting on all fours (like her two front legs in front of her and her head up) with her head up or get upand down all is good. if she is laying withher head out to the side, on her side, and not responding, either give her a bit of grape sugar on her tongue (or karo syrup or somehting along those lines), and /or get a vet or give pitocin (here only vets really give that becasue the labour becomes very hard on teh doe... adn could cause prolapse... also, here, if we insert a hand, we also follow with antibiotics(tetroxicycline) and flunix pain killer (under the skin injection) ;

also, if u are feeling baby/babies inside, remember to find differentiate between front feet and hind feet (try to follow wi/your hand to find the 'knees', and like the poster above, they either have to DIVE out : two front feet and a head together, or somehow breech, get them to slither out, make sure u have all the feet of one baby together and not two different sets of feet (twins)... also, if twins, they dont always come out one directly after the other. sometimes the mother has a break in labour... ///

the after birth also does not come out right away, let it come out on its own. DO NOT PULL AT IT. if really neccessary, u can hose her vulva and afterbirth area with cold water to shrink blood vessels but not a big problem ...

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