anyone experienced with white leghorn roos for meat?

I have eaten a few of my hens and there was just about no breast meat on them. I was really surprised how small they were when skinned.

My rooster is under a year old and larger then the hens but still I don't see much food potential. He is an awesome bird but he attacks women.

Pretty birds! I'm going to love having all white birds. I have some all black Sumatras, the contrast will be nice to see. If I have to keep the Leghorns separated, I will. I'll have about 5 extra roos, so I'm sure there will be more than enough meat for a few meals
I had to have done something wrong then. I wonder what it was? A little off the topic but in the processing of my leghorn I was SHOCKED at the size of testes i removed from the bird. I had to show my mom and brother them. They were as big as an egg.
Is that normal for a leghorn? No other rooster ive ever cleaned has been so...well....equipped.

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