Can I house bantams with regular sized chickens?

I currently have 1 bantam hen that lives peacefully with 4 LF hens. They also free range all day with no problems. Last summer though when I put this batch of hens out in the coop, she somehow escaped and I didn't see her for a few days. I thought for sure something had gotten her. Turned out she was living in the rafters of our barn and continued to do so until about November! She would free range with everyone else during the day then head to the barn at night. I think it was only the cold that had her start going to the coop with the rest. I also think her ability to fly well has kept her out of predators reach, since I mostly deal with coyotes and one of our dogs killing chickens.
Wow, it's great to get so many replies from different people. Thanks so much for all the words of wisdom. I'm still learning here, but trying to figure this all out ahead of time. This is also the first forum of any kind that I've participated in, so I'm learning the ropes with that too.

I'm happy to know I can keep bantams with other chickens and that they can successfully free range. We will definitely supervise to start. I'm very appreciative of the advice about regular roos and bantam roos; something I didn't know. Now that I know that, I may change my future order to reduce/eliminate my roosters. As it stands now I do have a bantam roo and another standard type roo in my chick order. I'm pretty sure I can change that order for another week without any fee. We were hoping to try hatching some chicks so I had ordered a couple of "matched sets". I really haven't researched that whole thing yet, but plan to soon. Right now we are just trying to get the hen house designed and started, weather permitting.

The ultimate goal for now is to have the entire flock get along in their house, in their pen, and also to free range, and of course we'd like some eggs in 4 or 5 months.
So should I just have only 1 rooster.......if any?

I have bantams and heavy breeds together without problems. I have even added new bantams with out any problems. I dont think my hens in charge view the bantams as a threat to the pecking order.
I have only 3 chickens and one is a Bantam. Free ranging they were all fine together but in a pen, my Araucana was HORRIBLE with my Bantam! She would peck and stomp her relentlessly, even when the Bantam would submit. I have had to keep them separated and I hate it. My other regular sized hens were raised by my Bantam so they do fine with her because they think she is their mom. Good luck and if anyone has any comments for me on this, feel free....
I had a bad experience keeping bantams with standards. I introduced 2 hens and they bullied my standards terribly. I did the same thing before I got them and it seemed like everyone said theycould live together but chickens have individual personalities.

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