First Turkey Egg Today...umm..I think

It is a turkey egg and peafowl eggs are fatter than turkey eggs. Don't be so sure it isn't fertil! My hens started a month late this year so I put every egg in the bator as they started to lay. I had 100% developement and hatch from the very first egg. I have set over 100 turkey eggs so far this spring and only 3 were not fertil so far.

Here is 2 pea eggs with a good sized turkey egg in the middle.

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Thanks everyone for posting the replies. I got a second one today and I'm keeping them until I have enough for the incubator. Those peafowl eggs are huge!! I guess I'll know when the peafowl hen starts laying. I saw the peacock with his train up courting the hen today for the first time so I guessing I'll be seeing some eggs from her soon. I think I may need to buy a second incubator.
yes it is a real turkey egg,i have a silver auburn hen lays the same color,more pink than white,she is the only one who lays pink eggs

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