Bantam Light Brahma

Yes. I am just using two Buff males now with 4 females each. I set 28 Buff eggs yesterday. I'll candle them in four or five days. If most of them are developing, I'll most likley set just one more batch this coming weekend. That should give me plenty of buffs. If they hatch by say the 10th of May, they will be at the perfect age for the State Fair of Texas AND the really BIG show @ Indy. I might be able to auction my first Buff eggs next Monday. I will not sell as many of the Buffs as I have lights. At least the Buffs won't be used against me this Fall, especially at Crossroads. They will be a little young I think(hope). Are you going to Crossroads?

Tim, would you consider doing a combination Light and Buff Auction? I'd love to have both colors.

No, I can't do that. Its not really looking that good for any buff eggs being auctioned at all.

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