Best chicken for northern climate and kids

ORPINGTONS SILKIES BRAHMAS. FAVEROLLES ARE FRIENDLY BUT THEY DON"T INJOY BEING HELD BUT MINE IS THE FRIENDLIEST THING.... ON THE GROUND. CANNOT STRESS THOSE 4 enough. Wyandottes are stronger flyers and they also don't enjoy being held. Mine is hard to hold but she doesn't run from you. I really love all of my chickens. But orps faverolles and brahmas and silkies get my top 4.
My pick would be the Chantecler They were developed for that purpose. ( VERY COLD HARDY BREED )
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Are buckeyes very cold hardy? They do have a pea comb...
But their profile on the breeds index says they are restless, flighty, and aggressive! :C
they're probably good rangers, anyway!
Goodness, my Buckeye's are not at all "restless, flighty, and aggressive!" There is a great thread that is currently very active on Buckeye's. I believe the president of the Buckeye club makes frequent posts. Mine are all intelligent, curious and friendly - never aggressive and much too dignified to be flighty. My Speckled Sussex win in the friendly department.

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