Good Ole Boy's Of "KANSAS"

Yeah, except I lost one last week.. It was the first born

I put it in with my little bantam frizzle Cochin to keep it company and when I checked back an hour later they had obviously had a disagreement that didn't turn out well for the little blue

Other than thatall is well! Lost my Lav girl yesterday to this heat though :'(
Mike~ I have a bone to pick with you!

Those crazy Welsummers I got from you have taught everybody that roosting on a 6ft fence is fun! Prior to their arrival everyone was happy with the 4 ft roosts, now I even have some over achievers who are jumping from the fence into the tree and going up.

I just had to share. I am so happy with them. The roo started crowing about 2 weeks ago. They are still standoffish, but that is fine with me.

Thanks so much for hatching them for me.

I hope you were able to take care of the fox, and that things are going good for you.
Well I am way glad they are working out. Their mama did try to get them to roost in the trees many times, in racoon season. I would always make them come back down and roost in the cage that was secure. It might be that they are trying to roost up high because you have a night time visitor. No fox yet but I dont let the birds out in their pen any more. I let them come directly to my fenced back yard. Glad you like them.

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