Creative Coop Names

We've decided to name the entire chicken village "Clucktopia".
The new walk in coop will be "Cackleberry Castle".
The original coop situated inside the run becomes a bachelor pad for Roopecca will be "Roopecca's Roost".
The small coop inside the run will be "The Guesthouse".
Gonna have my artistic grandson paint the names on the buildings and maybe some decorations.
Not all originals but they resonated with us.
Thinking if these for my new bantam coop:
Egg Drop Coop
Biddy Banty Shanty
Yolkomo (like Beach Boys song Kokomo)
Chicken Math 101
For brooder...Little Poof Coop (more Beach Boys)
I briefly pondered 'Tweety's Farm', which is a Chicken Run reference. Surely I'm not the only one who loved that movie? You remember, claymation done by that Wallace and Gromet guy. had a great line in it: 'That ginger one, she's the leader!'. We have a ginger one, and sure enough, she's the leader, always trying to escape.
The name I settled upon was a way to thumb my nose at my jerk neighbor. He must have overheard me talking about chickens, and got upset, so he stormed over and tried to intimidate me into not keeping those 'dirty, smelly birds'. I told him I wasn't building a chicken coop, but was instead building a tool shed.
So now I plan on mounting a plaque over the door that reads TOOL SHED.

Best claymation movie ever. It's a lot deeper than a comedy, and had some endearing parts. Timeless. Naming my coop TOOL SHED in big letters where the grumpy neighbor can see, sounds like something I would do.

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