Black Poop?


12 Years
May 2, 2011
Yucca Valley
12 chickens total. No injuries, Buff Orpingtons. I am noticing jet black poop that is tarry looking, (as a nurse this screamsdigested blood) from the amount I am going to say it is only one chicken doing this. Been 9 days since the first time I noticed it.
1. Everybody has full crops at night and empty in the morning.
2. Nobody is lethargic
3. Everybody actively participates in feeding and snacks.
4. No pale combs
5. No blood found on vents
6. Everybody appears bright eyed and busy tailed.
I figure if a chicken is passing enough blood to make the stool entirely black there should be symptoms after nine days. Anyone experience anything similar to this before?
Actually, I have noticed the same thing in my roost poop catch. I didn't really think anything of it until I read your post. I did recently have a sick chicken who I believe may have had sour crop. She is just about 12 week old. I found her sitting behind the coop by herself while her sisters were pecking about in the grass. I brought her into the house with me and nursed her. She ended up vomiting for quite a while. (I had to hold her gently head down while she vomited water and bits of grass and then a little bit of blood.) I had noticed that her crop had felt a bit mushy, like a deflated balloon. The next day she was better so I went ahead and fed her some plain yogurt and then gradually added her feed to it. So far she seems to have made a full recovery. Do you have any chickens with stunted growth? (She was my biggest chick and it now my smallest.) I have wondered if that is why she suddenly started growing at a much slower pace. Maybe crop issues and digestion?
Here is something I had found on another thread that someone posted. (Just to warn you, it shows pictures of different types of chicken poo.) I found it to be very helpful to understand good and bad poos. I wonder if ours is the "Coral Coloured Urates". hmmmm
Thank you for sharing this link! I woke up today and checked in on my 1 month old girls and noticed the dark oily poop and immediately became concerned. Now I know they are fine and having seen such a range of "normal': was quite enlightening!
I had a white leghorn with black poop also at about twelve weeks and she died this morning. she didn't seem sick before so i never thought to take her in. anyway i would just keep an eye om her
My 4-week-old chicks are pooping black poop, too, but I think that they have been eating too much dirt since I started to put them outside during the day.

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