How Much DE (Diatomaceous Earth) Should I Feed My Chickens


11 Years
May 11, 2011
Puget Sound
My Coop
My Coop
I've been searching the forums but haven't found the answer to this. How much DE (diatomaceous earth) should I be feeding? I only have 2 chickens right now so I only put out about 1 lb of food at a time. Would I add a tablespoon, teaspoon, 1 ounce... ? This one seems to be a tuffy for me!

I found some food grade at the co-op they said they had 50# bags and 2.5 # bags. I also don't know how much to give, but plans on giving them some to dust bathe in.
yes it can be added to feed
BUT.. only food grade.. DE

not the kind for swimming pools.

for 2 chickens??? that is a tough one.
Lb. feed for 2 chix should last at least a week

if you feed them some table scraps mine love popcorn
but popped of course. or left over cooked rice.
or old bread.
thats save on the feed bill
as your flock grows. and some pumpkin or fruit.

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