Gum Grafting Surgery! AHHHHH!

My daughter was missing her adult lateral incisor teeth (the ones right next to the incisors) which they discovered when they did x rays for braces. They gave us a choice of moving the canines over and shaping them to look like the missing one or getting implants. As her teeth were crowded, moving and shaping was the better option. You can't even tell now. The orthodontist told us it was hereditary and so far we have found 2 of her cousins and a great Aunt who also are missing those teeth.

Well... as of yesterday it had been two weeks since my surgery. The process was a bit trying at times, but was not as bad as having wisdom teeth removed (for reference I had all four wisdom teeth out, before they attached to the jaw bone, and had grafting done on one-half of my outer gums on the top of my mouth). I can still feel where they took the flesh from, it is smooth on the top of my mouth, but is not sensitive at all and looks pretty good. You can definitely tell where they built my gums back, but they said it will be another month or so until they fully blend in and smooth down. Overall the process went smoothly. Zero pain after the surgery, no bleeding.

Sounds like your surgery went great!

I hope your graft does fully blend in. I had my graft on my lower gum over 20 years ago and the graft is still a pale pink instead of being the same color as my gums. It really isn't noticeable though unless I pull down my lower lip
The Gum Grafting procedure is usually performed under local anesthetic. The exact procedure will depend much on whether tissue is coming from the patient’s palate or a tissue bank. Initially, small incisions will be made at the recipient site to create a small pocket to accommodate the graft. Then a split thickness incision is made and the connective tissue graft is inserted into the space between the two sections of tissue. The graft is usually slightly larger than the recession area, so some excess will be apparent.
Sutures are often placed to further stabilize the graft and to prevent any shifting from the designated site. Surgical material is used to protect the surgical area during the first week of healing. Uniformity and healing of the gums will be achieved in approximately six weeks.

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The Gum Grafting procedure is usually performed under local anesthetic. The exact procedure will depend much on whether tissue is coming from the patient’s palate or a tissue bank.Initially, small incisions will be made at the recipient site to create a small pocket to accommodate the graft. Then a split thickness incision is made and the connective tissue graft is inserted into the space between the two sections of tissue. The graft is usually slightly larger than the recession area, so some excess will be apparent.
Sutures are often placed to further stabilize the graft and to prevent any shifting from the designated site. Surgical material is used to protect the surgical area during the first week of healing. Uniformity and healing of the gums will be achieved in approximately six weeks.

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