What's the Best Treatment for Favus?


12 Years
Mar 26, 2007
I think several of my hens have favus-- their symptoms are dry looking skin on the face/comb/wattles and peeling earlobes. I bought some atheletes foot cream (Tinactin) and applied a treatment today but I've read so many different opinions on what to use! I don't want to waist my time with a treatment that's not going to work. Also, I find the cream difficult to apply/rub in, but I worry about a spray getting in their eyes. I'm also couldn't find any information on how often and for how long to apply the treatment.

So, if you've successfully treated for favus, what did you do? Thanks.
Thank you Dawn! The link recommends miconazole or formalin. Does anyone have any experience with or a preference for either or these?
I had one more question come to me-- any suggestions on how to avoid getting it in their eyes? Or will they close them instinctively? I'm just worried about hurting them, and imagine the spray is very scattershot. Thanks again, I really appreciate the help!
When one of mine had suspected favus, I wrapped a small towel around the head to protect the eyes, nostrils and beak. I had my DW hold the chicken down while I sprayed the comb. The Lotrimin spray is cold to the touch for the chicken, they will try to escape. You can spray it on your fingers and rub it on to the affected area. I recommend wearing plastic disposable gloves.
I know nothing about Favus, however it is a fungal of the skin,
horses get a fungal of the skin on their face and I have used orginal Listerine mouth wash diluted with water in a spray bottle to stop the fungus
maybe you could use this until you start the meds
Thanks so much, I really appreciate the advice-- I applied the first treatment tonight. They were not happy girls! LOL
one of our chickens started to develop favus on her comb about a week ago. we started to treat her with a colloidal silver cream after the day we noticed the fungus. We applied the cream across the whole comb early in the mornings and late in the evenings. Today, after 5 days of treatment the fungus has almost cleared up. We have used a colloidal siver and alovera gel on one of our alpacas, who developed an eczema on its neck and shoulder about 3 years ago. The eczema cleared up after about 10 days and has not returned since. We use colloidal silver also for our horses.

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