corn and their body temp


12 Years
Jul 5, 2011
I've read many posts that say not to feed cracked corn in the summer because it raises the chickens body temp. My question is does this pertain to all corn or just the cracked corn? My chickens love it when I open a can of corn and drain it then scatter it in their run. I've been thinking of trying the cream style corn one of these days but figured I better hold off till I find out if this is ok. Also I have read that people give their chickens oatmeal as a treat. is this cooked oatmeal or just the dry flakes? Thanks in advance for all your help!
Hmm, I haven't heard anything about corn before, but I also like to give mine the oatmeal as a treat. They don't really like the dry oats, so I spray it once with the hose just enough to dampen it slightly, then they chow down.

Should be interesting to hear about the corn raising their body temp., I have not heard that before but it's very hot here so I'd be interested in finding out too.
all corn creates body heat.. its the high sugars changing over .. in all animals not just chickens,,. I am giving my the scratch grains that is a mix of all kinds including corn,,,, but it is just a goodie additive .. if they are doing well with the heat keep feeding them their goodie if you notice any of them having a problem cut back.. no biggie,,,

I give my chickens oats, both cooked and dry. Usually dry, as I don't cook oats for myself often.

About the corn raising body temp. I think it is an old wives tale. All food has calories and calories are measurement of heat. I have never seen or heard anything that corn uses a different metabolic system or is metabolized differently than other food. But if it worries you do not give them corn. It's not a particularly healthy food anyways.

ive never heard anything specifically about corn, but i have heard that you should feed tem less in the heat because of the cemical breakdown of the food which causes body heat. i dont think its persay the corn, but food in general. just watch them.
Corn will NOT raise body temp. There is a nice long thread here by mac in abilene dedicated to that subject with studies cited, if I recall correctly. It's one of those myths that just keeps being repeated.
Its true! If you feed them corn they will heat up so much they will burst into flames! It happened to one of my poor darlings.


Actually, I feed corn to my chickens every single day of the year, and I have yet to have one combust. Its a major component of my scratch mix that I feed. It does NOT produce heat. Corn is high in digestible energy.
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