Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

Here are my two ladies. They are the most timid out of our 8. I love them. They are the smallest of the 8 birds as well. I am so excited for our adventure to come.

Here are my two ladies. They are the most timid out of our 8. I love them. They are the smallest of the 8 birds as well. I am so excited for our adventure to come.

Beautiful chicks ! Did you get them from the pullet bin? Looks like Lucy may be Luke . Don't quote me! I am new to this breed but with my other Roo 's 3 they all had a slightly different stance and tail feathers grew slow. I kept 1 and love him to pieces.. Definitely ask more experienced people with this breed. Plus pretty young to know for sure.
Here are my two ladies. They are the most timid out of our 8. I love them. They are the smallest of the 8 birds as well. I am so excited for our adventure to come.


Beautiful chicks ! Did you get them from the pullet bin? Looks like Lucy may be Luke . Don't quote me! I am new to this breed but with my other Roo 's 3 they all had a slightly different stance and tail feathers grew slow. I kept 1 and love him to pieces.. Definitely ask more experienced people with this breed. Plus pretty young to know for sure.
That being said I do have one 4 month old pullet who has slow growing tail feathers.
not sure if anyone asked yet but at what age do you process them for frying

From what I've gathered from all my reading, 20 weeks and up. But you may wish to switch him to meat bird feed when he comes off of chick feed.!?!? This is my first time with chicks and I have 2, 9wk. old cockerels and if I can't find a 4-h er, who may want the spare one, I'll be doing the same as you. General rule of thumb is ... Spring births and Fall butchering. I hope this helped.?? And If I'm wrong I hope someone will correct this statement because its what I'll be doing in the fall.

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