Caught Fox In Live Trap!

I trap a lot of fox in love traps for a fox farm in my town! You build a house out of 4 bales of straw and the first night throw a chicken breath piece in three beingcareful not to leave much scent then the next night put the trap inside the 4 bales but don't open or set it just Leave another small piece by it sometimes this piece won't get taken that night because the cage throws them off but the next night they'll comeback and take it or a fresher piece, then your third step is to set the trap and tie a piece to the back of the trap and Waa laa works everytime, occasional coon or opposum but get them out of the way and you'll catch your resident fox or coyote
sound's good, but what about the other varmints that will get inside, and domestic pet cats? I need to catch a fox I've caught on camera going around the chicken coop at about 3:30AM. and right before Sunrise

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