Colored eggs!!

Easter Eggers are the most commonly available colored egg layers. They are too commonly and falsely sold as Ameraucanas, Americaunas, or Araucanas though. They usually lay green eggs. They're a great bird and come in a variety of colors and personalities.

Olive Eggers (another mutt) are not sold at commercial hatcheries or feedstores, but can be found through local breeders or online breeders. They lay moderate to very dark, rich olive green eggs. They are commonly found in blue or black colors, however some people use some very interesting parents to make for some very versatile, friendly, meaty, colorful, or productive babies!

lay blue eggs, and are very rare but can be found through online breeders. They're a VERY neat looking tailless and tufted chicken with high intelligence.

Ameraucanas lay blue eggs, sometimes green but it is unwanted, and are only found through breeders, but are common enough to be found locally. However they should not be confused with EE's, and many local "breeders" do sell EE's under their name. Ameraucanas are usually a nice, laid-back breed with a sweet personality.

eggs are supposed to be stored pointy end down because the aircell, on the blunt end, needs to be pointed up, or the aircell will break off. If you're eating the eggs it doesn't matter, if you're planning on selling to hatch or hatching them, you'll kill the possibility of a chick inside.
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