grass clippings in coop?

Impacted crop is why I took straw out of my run. I put a base of sand down and then cover with grass clippings. My chickens love it and it keeps the run pretty clean as I can rake out the dead clippings and the waste.
1. hmmm sand, that's an interesting idea. no mud forms and cleaning is easy.

2. My lawn mower cuts grass up pretty good, but I guess i could run it over a couple more times. After i threw it in, they stared at me like "what the hell do I do with this?" and they didn't really do anything.
my chickens love grass thanks for the ideas and warning!
It isn't that much different than giving them a bale of hay.

My girls have their run scoured down to the underlying hard pan that we have under the soil. Hay and grass clippings are a treat to them and they will have it torn up and scattered around in no time at all.
I'd be concerned if any lubricant from the blades, exhaust fumes etc would contaminate the grass. I'd happily slash the grass but not use a mower
I add a few grass clippings and edible weeds for mine but not alot as I found that when I add alot it gets impacted and forms a top layer that prevents rain from passing through (as did the straw) Then when it rained my chickens were skating on mud and poop. The leaves just would not break down and they didn't scratch enough to help.
I like to allow the grass clippings to dry and then toss 'em inside the coop.
It saves me a whole lot on buying shavings, and my girls really like the dry grass in their nests.
Mine free range, so they have plenty of grass to eat; however, I do have a small pen of breeders that has no grass in it that I will toss fress grass clippings inside for them.

ok ok, good information from all. Looks like some are cautious while most give clippings. I'm still in the process of putting up their new "pasture" so i'll give them clippings until then.
I am so new to this all the info is great. My girls love fresh pulled grass. They run through it, fight for it eat it roll in it. Today I am trying a big trash can lid filled with water to see what they do. I never thought I would love to watch 3 chickens for hours. This goes to show you how simple it is to entertain the human mind.

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