Fertilized Egg Cracked Open (Pics)

Sorry to hear about hawkeye.....Did you incubate Zane's eggs?

Well, sort of. We put one of my Ameraucana girl's eggs under a broody as a "filler" egg when we removed a non viable one. DH didn't want to use a plastic one.
I just used the blue egg since it was easy to distinguish from the brown one that was under the broody. When I candled the broody's egg that had the chick in it about Day 18, I on a whim decided to candle Charlotte's egg as well. Surprise! Veinage! Zane had a crush on Charlotte and was mating her quite a bit when he fell and was injured. The broody's Barred Rock egg hatched (Hawkeye's baby son) Now, Charlotte's egg that is fertile by Zane is on Day 15 in my homemade bator and growing well. I just dont know what to do with that chick if and when it hatches all by its little self, LOL.​
About a week ago, I baked chocolate cookies,double batch, so it took 4 eggs. When I cracked the eggs open, all 4 were fertile(I always check when I use an egg). The day before yesterday, I baked cinnamin rolls and had to use 4 eggs again, all were fertile. They were all brown eggs. I have 28 eggs in my bator that are due to hatch on the 27th. They are all green and white eggs. Maybe I should incubate some of my brown eggs too(my dh would string me up !!!!! lol)
I just dont know what to do with that chick if and when it hatches all by its little self, LOL.

Can you raise one chick?​
Question: Can you incubate after they have been refrigerated?

I have incubated after they have been refridgerated. They were in the fridge for more than 2 weeks. I brought them to room temperature before setting them though. I had a few(very few) that weren't fertile, but no problem with the ones that were(no blood rings etc.) .But, this worked for me, might not for anyone else. I was told that it lowers the viability and lowers the hatch rate. Although, my last was excellent...12 fertile eggs..12 healthy beautiful babies in the end. I have eggs in my bator now that were in the fridge for 23 days. They are all fertile,and growing well.
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Can you raise one chick?

I have 32 chicks in the outside nursery coop, but they are a month old. The broody's babies will be two weeks old by the time this one hatches, so that wont work. Not sure what the heck I'll do with one chick, but we'll figure it out.

BTW, that one egg that is on Day 15 in the bator was in the fridge when we took it out and warmed it up to put under the broody.​
When I had my one little Dorking chick hatch, I went to the feed store and picked up two more to keep it company...

Oh, that's what I did when my broody hatched out her one chick. We didn't know if it would really hatch, so we picked up two Wyandotte chicks (we think GLW, but hard to tell on one of them) at the feedstore and put them under her the night before hers hatched so she'd at least have the two of them. And guess what, Mrs AK-Bird-Brain? One, an independent, bold little pullet of the Wyandotte persuasion is named Victoria, Tori for short. Yep, after you, LOL. Seemed appropriate.

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