Guess I'm done breeding chickens... got a letter from the city

And that's totally legal. Nothin wrong with it.

At my other house we had one of those weed trees that grows overnight and it's roots came through our fence and weirdness but one of the roots sprouted another tree...we sawed that rightdown and wouldn't you know it...the whole tree died. Well, they had a company come out eventually and fell it but the parts they felled on my side of the fce...they never came and chopped up or removed. And they were huge peices too. For the most part they are good neighbors but that wasn't cool. The good thing that came out of it...the garden that always had been there since I was a had full sun back.

In California, that is totally ILLEGAL. The house next to us is foreclosed and they have a big tree with limbs over the fence, ON our shed. We talked to multiple arborists, and none would touch it without permission from the bank. It is apparently a slam dunk loss if you are taken to court.

We have the same issue with an oak tree...if you are in SoCal you know there is little more sacred than an oak tree. I hear oaks like to have their leaf litter left as in under it.

Guess who plans on doing a LOT of raking
I hear oaks like to have their leaf litter left as in under it.

Oak leaves break down very fast (compared to maple leaves for example) because their edges are thin/ragged/curly and don't mat flat like say a maple leaf would; allowing for more air movement I suppose. Oak leaves are the best leaves to have in your compost, the best to mix with mulch, use them in your chicken coops and runs too!
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Just found & finished this thread. How terribly sad for you, Mahonri...
We are all waiting with bated breath to see how things went--lots of
, prayers &
for a good outcome!
I hope you know, and I know I speak for many if not all on here, that we would do anything to help you. We feel powerless. If there is ANYHTING you can think of that we can do - don't hesitate to ask any or all of us.

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