There's something about....

Doing something that you know has no benefit to yourself at all but knowing that it may effect someone or makes someone life better in the long run to make it all worth while. Wether it be a hug, talk, helping hand, shoulder to cry on, anything.

nice, ripples in a pond....

There's something about waking, getting your cup of coffee and walking into the guest room (
) to check on the week old chicks and seeing one of them stretch that little back foot and wings, then flap, flap, flap to perch on top of Millie (the hen)! Too cute, and a great start to the day.
Going fishing and just sitting by the lake,river, or pond edge and just relaxing for a few hours and the only worry you have is that you might run out of bait to soon.

... standing in the cold air on a December night.

... putting on your fall clothes for the first time that year

... getting a nice tan for the first time that year

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