what does a 20 week old chicken look like???

ok cool so maybe my chickens will be laying in 7 or so months!!!! yay!!!! thanks so much for that info.!!!!

God bless!!

<3 kelsey
so i have 5 "babies" that are very adorable, and i was wondering if:

1:do 20 week old hens lay????

2:what do they look like????

i have NO clue if this is the right subject to be posting my Q's on but i would like to know if any of you guys could post some pictures of 20 week old chickens if yoju have had them before!! THANKS!!!
ok cool. so apparentally my 4 little hens wont be laying.....ANY time soon then lol they are way smaller than that and dont have full crowns yet!!!!!LOL!!!!! are you sure those are 20 WEEK old babies???? not saying that you are lying to me but i am just wondering if they are older than 20 WEEKS!! LOL!! thanks again thought!

<3 kelsey

<3 kelsey

Chickens look more like adults than chicks at 20 weeks old and they will start laying soon so long as you feed them healthy good pellets - remember they don't peak at laying their eggs until they are one year old so don't expect the largest quantities. Some chickens don't lay at all at 20 weeks old although most of mine did
In fact all you flock will probably be laying and at a young age it's not about quantities it is about being a consistent layer - I have a white leghorn that is almost 20 weeks old and started laying at 17 weeks old! And she is consistent she lays one egg at 11am in the morning and that's that but my speckyled chicken lays two a day and so does my light Sussex and Rhode Island Red. Remember before they grow that little more this is your chance to bond with your hens because when they get older in experience they don't seem as social able
Does anyone know what breed this is?

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