The Imported English Rhodebar Thread

What color eggs should rhodebars lay? I am seeing multiple people who bought the imported birds from Greenfire and they are laying green eggs.
Brown just like R.I.R, they are based on, Rhodebars should be just Barred RIR with autosexing traits thats all, body , size, egg color should be the same as RIR
I have a question that may have been answered in previous threads, What color of egg are purebreed Rhodebars suppose to lay?
These are my Rhodebars from Greenfire. I am still new to chickens and have read the threads knowing there are different opinions so I hope I could get some feedback on mine. They are about 3 months and I am trying to pick out the breeders and sell the extras.

I am becoming familiar with the Rhodebar and think they are a neat chicken. I have read a lot and am looking for more information regarding the rhodebar as described by the British standard. I have been searching for images of what they are actually supposed to look like. I have read the standard. I would love to see some birds fitting the original British standard. I havent been able to find much on the internet regarding the historical/original version on the bird. All images I have seen are recent birds.

Is anyone currently breeding to the original standard?

Thanks for your help!

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