Looking for a feeder posted here...


8 Years
May 19, 2011
It was one that someone had made to help prevent feed getting everywhere - it was a pvc pipe on the inside filled with feed and the feed would come out the bottom and then the outer shell was a bucket that had tall oval holes in the sides that the chickens could put their heads in to get to the food. I wish I could describe it better, but maybe someone will know which one I'm talking about. I have a sand run and feed in the run (small coop) and I don't want to have to deal with feed getting in the sand and getting moist and molding and then having to shovel out sand, etc, etc....

Anywho, thanks for your time!
Im horrible at linking stuff to a post, but go to the index page and search under feeding and watering flock. Post from 10-9 is what I think your looking for!

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this might work

Even something as simple as putting a lip on your feeder might help prevent wasted feed (sorta like those splash proof dog watering bowls).


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how about a water one? I have one I bought but it is terrible to use. You have to flip it to fill it
and it gets full of dirt all the time.

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