Best Diet for Chickens


9 Years
Nov 30, 2010
West Virginia
I have a flock of eleven Buff Orpintons, two Rhode Island Reds and one Barred Rock laying hens and one Rhode Island Red rooster. I have been feeding them a mixture of laying mash, two-grain scratch and a mixture from Southern States called rockin' rooster along with lots of fresh veggies from the garden and table scraps.
I am concerned with the amount of wasted food that I have each day. I feed only what they consume during the day, but they go through it all and pick out what they like and leave the rest. I have not found any food that they will no do this with. As a result I have a lot of large pieces of corn, whole kernal corn and other various seeds that are left behind.
I would welcome suggestions on any type of foods that everybody will eat, or foods that your girls eat with few leftovers. I'm willing to custom mix foods too.

West Virginia

Stop mixing the scratch into the feed. They will indeed just pick through and get what they want.

For the next week, feed only straight feed. Nothing else. No treats, no scratch, no nothing else. Feed only for the next week. They'll have nothing else to choose and they'll stop the habit. Sorry, but if you give chicks a choice in the feeder, they'll toss out the important stuff to eat their favorites, which may not provide a balanced diet for them. They're very easy to spoil and easy to train onto poor eating habits.
Fred's Hens :

Shannon, Stop mixing the scratch into the feed. They will indeed just pick through and get what they want. For the next week, feed only straight feed. Nothing else. No treats, no scratch, no nothing else. Feed only for the next week. They'll have nothing else to choose and they'll stop the habit. Sorry, but if you give chicks a choice in the feeder, they'll toss out the important stuff to eat their favorites, which may not provide a balanced diet for them. They're very easy to spoil and easy to train onto poor eating habits.


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