How many eggs do you get per chicken per day? I have white leghorns..

I have ten Leghorns... and get an average of nine eggs a day. I think alot of it depends on their age and amount of light they get....
I've got 5 and after about a month after my first egg we have gone from one egg every other day to 3-4 eggs a day. We did have a couple of 5 egg days but not together.
I have extended daylight with a compact flouresent light bulb. As they were just comming into egg laying age I am not concerned with giving them time off for good behavior. And welcome to the craziness.
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An egg a day is max for any chicken. Leghorns can lay right at 310-330 egg per year. In other words, if the days were combined, there would still be a little over a month of days when they do not lay. The leghorn is pretty much considered the top layer, so that's about as good as it gets.
It all depends on the quality and breed of your chickens.

Leghorns should lay every day.

My flock of 4 laying hens averages about 22 eggs per week. My big New Hampshire Red leads the flock with 6-7 eggs per week. My other hens average about 5 eggs per week.
These are adult dual purpose chickens.
Thanks everyone for the info.... Sounds like things will pick up soon. They just started laying a few weeks ago. I'm not even sure if they all are laying or not. I'm proud of my almost dozen I got last week, and they were yummy!

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