can my chickens eat bell pepper seeds and scraps?

Yes, they can have them, but mine don't care for them too much. I had A LOT of bell peppers from the garden. Every time I used them, I took the seeds, insides, etc. out to them. They would end up eating them if they didn't get anything better, but there were still some of the peppers out there the next day.

I did have a few green bell peppers that got a little too ripe...had turned reddish & then we hadn't done anything with them in time & they got kinda soft & shriveled a little. I cut these open & threw them out there & they liked them better that way instead of crispy green ones.
Can they? Good grief, it's worth my life to take pepper guts out in the yard! They love those things.

I should note that all I use are red, yellow and orange peppers, no green ones, so they may not like those as much, not sure.

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