Chicken water nipples reviews?


8 Years
Feb 13, 2011
Any of you guys that use or have used the chicken water nipples, please share your experience. I'm thinking of buying and trying some myself. They sound great, but they look awfully cheap. Anyone had any crack or freeze and bust?
I got a less common kind, the ones that wrap around a hose. I bought mine off ebay. Once we figured out that it must be a commercial weight hose, we have had no problems. They do freeze (I keep a bowl outside as well), but I haven't had any crack yet. Here's what our set up looks like:



We don't use the red water catchers anymore, and the chickens do let the water drip when they drink. That's my review.
I have used them since I started chickens, brooder to laying. All right its only been 8 months, but anyway!
I love them. Check out my page, page 2. Neil Grassbaugh, a member here sells them. Good prices and customer support, PM him. For cold weather I have 3 of them in a 5 gal bucket with a submersible bird bath heater in it. We'll see how it works this winter!
You may read how the chickens "don't get enough to drink". IMO if the chickens were still thirsty they would hangout under the nips all day. They don't, they tap the nip a few times then move on. Haven't lost a bird to dehydration yet.
Use a black bucket or paint one dark, cuts down on alge and slime. I also found the "Gamma lid" It afixes to any 5 gal bucket then allows you to use its threaded insert for easy access to the bucket.
I have used the "screw in" and the "push in" types. Use the push ins.
Good Luck
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I bought mine from Neil as well.

Mine never drip. They have been frozen as well. I use mine in a hanging bucket and aquarium heaters in them. I am never going back to a bowl again. My chickens are on them from hatching.
I've never seen one of these. Is that one big nipple? Looks sturdier than the little plastic ones.

Oh, I see. That's your hose connected to the bucket
I want to try something similar to this but want to use pvc
I think the nipples are great for outside watering. I've found they tend to leave a wet patch of litter from stray drips when used inside. Sometimes the nipple can get stuck in the up position and leak a fair dribble.

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