*Girls only Chat Thread*

That's great....Now I have to go look up a sizzle..:p   My youngest 2 girls want bunnies..I wanted to surprise them with a couple today...But couldn't find any bunnies..So I bought 4 Americana pullets and 3 Bantam assorted....My girls went CRAZY for the Americana's (they are BEAUTIFUL) I can't BELIEVE how big my other peepers and quackers got in a week...Just the other day they were little...I'm hoping my husband will get in gear with my big brooder....I hope you find some girls for your drakes...  

All that's so sweet of you! Bunnies can be really easy to find and then really difficult to find at times.Americaunas are wonderful birds I have one & she lays beautiful light green eggs! Yes I know they grow so fast :th & thanks me too I might have to order some ducklings because my rescuing isn't going well :/

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