My Mutt Roo


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jan 6, 2012
My Mutt Rooster his father is a Millie and his mother is a Black Silkie. He has some of each in him for sure. Five toes and Black skin like his Mother and giant feathered feet and vulture hawks like his dad
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Very cute

You sure his mother is a Silkie though? He's got a single comb, pale skin, no crest, and a more refined type body. Silkies, even crosses, wouldn't let those traits pass on.
Well you can never really tell I guess but I only have two black hens and they are Silkies. Why else would he have black skin and 5 toes? Here are the parents I think anyway.
He's cute! I love those legs of his.

Same here! I have seen a lot of very fun-colored mutts on here, or even ones with crazy fun features.
Well you can never really tell I guess but I only have two black hens and they are Silkies. Why else would he have black skin and 5 toes? Here are the parents I think anyway.

I believe that's a Silkie cross. She looks like someone crossed something with Silkie, then took the offspring and bred them to each other to get the recessive Silkied feathering back, but chose a silkie-feathered offspring with the other breed's traits, such as skin color, comb type, and body type. Purebred Silkies have crests, and have nearly blackened purple-hued combs; females have practically no comb, and its of a different shape.

But, anyway, both mom and dad are just as cute as the son.

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