Mareks: Long-term prognosis

From all the research I've done doesn't look like she has or has had IB.

Here is something from the poultry site:

  1. Stress: While a genetic predisposition for egg and eggshell quality exists, good genes can be upset by environmental stresses. The shell is formed by the activity of cells lying the oviduct and uterus. Under stress the secretions of these cells become acidic and the cells can be damaged or destroyed. In extreme cases, stress induced effects can result in eggshells that have excess deposits of calcium - a sort of powdery "bloom" on the surface and result in misshapen eggs. Relocation stress is known to have effects on the visual appearance of eggs produced; increasing the incidence of calcium coated and checked (misshapen) eggs.

    Major types of relocations, such as movement from one type of housing to a completely new housing environment, can produce severe visual defects of the egg.
I recently did change her living conditions, and she is now the favorite (as always has happened with her, with each rooster that has been here)... This egg check could be the combination of the relocation stress and bearing the weight of the rooster during the shell formation. -- The problem hasn't recurred...but now I think she is deciding to molt. LOL

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