No energy and bright green poop!

My 2 year old Buff Orp. seems never to habe been as healthy as her twin sister. This is night 3 after seeing her all of a sudden lethargic and confused and stumbling. Her comb is also the palest pink I've ever seen on any of my chickens I've had over several years. I immediately gave her B12 and Vit-Al in water and led her to drink. She perked up after and has been eating. She is no longer wobbling or confused but she is lethargic and comb is still almost white comparatively. Tonight when I went to put them up I saw "the green poop." I thought at first someone shot a paintball or she ate paint. After reading your posts I am confident it is from her illness. She doesn't feel egg bound, is not sneezing, drooling or spilling her water. She doe not have sour crop. She is just on her way out and if she has reproductive issues I know she is in extreme pain. I would normally try getting her back to good health but I've decided to let nature take its course on this girl. I will keep the water fresh and full of vitamins and make sure she has food but I don't think I'm going to do more this time. The main thing is that I do not want her in pain and nature really does know best and so do animals. She isn't sad, she is matter of fact. I have to learn that when it comes to my pets. I'm trying. Anyway, look at this poop.


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Bright green usually means they are not eating or food is not being processed. It's bile. I see it in the final stages of hens with internal laying/egg yolk peritonitis or ovarian cancer all the time. Hybrid layers are very much prone to EYP and internal laying.
Please tell me what your solution to this is. I understand your diagnosis and agree with the bright green and what it means. Please help
Please tell me what your solution to this is. I understand your diagnosis and agree with the bright green and what it means. Please help
There isn't one for the ailments I listed, unfortunately. All are terminal, no prevention and no cure. That is the harsh reality of it. I have a video on my channel about reproductive malfunctions of laying hens that explains it, though I rarely post those here for certain reasons. My channel is Roots, Rocks & Feathers and I have a Chickens Playlist there.
I and my turkey Mary have almost died from e coli. The gut bacteria is aggressive and causes kidney failure. The treatment for me is lactated ringers Cipro, Metradinazole and I came close to dialysis in September. It carried by wild birds, rodents and can be waterborne in groundwater wells like mine. My turkeys treatment is 5 days of metradinazole, 3 days of 100 mg enroflaxin 1.5 Mls injections my DVM gives me after a clear fecal. He doesn’t treat birds, but it is aggressive bacteria and deadly. Should be treated as such. Test and sanitize groundwater wells annually. I give her crushed flagyl in yogurt (no artificial sweeteners) carefully w a syringe so she doesn’t aspirate bc she had no appetite, which kept her alive. It’s good for gut flora. Pigeon racing industry vaccinates annually and gives racing birds metradinazole monthly during racing season bc pathogens are so prevalent. Sorry about everyone’s birds.
You should consider tube feeding, 'cause she needs the protein. If you're interested, I can teach you.

Hi Kathy,
I tube feed and give shots to my animals but, what is exactly causing the lethargy, weakness, not eating and green poop that eventually leads to death?
Is it parasite, if so which one? Is it an infection, coccidia, New Castle, what? This is really puzzling me.
I'll appreciate your help.
Could be anything. When mine do that I start them on antibiotics and treat fro worms & coccidia. Do you have any medication?

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