A few pics of my ostrich chicks

I'm gonna start laughing and crying at the same time thats so sweet!!!!!!
Thanks for the info and photos! Feel free to share more !!
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She knows three commands!! Wow, that’s interesting.

Much shorter lives in the wild, perhaps not much more than ten years.

They get less flighty as you tame them, but they remain flighty. Confined spaces un-nerve the tame-wild birds.

Supreme Emu
I'm really surprised she learns so easily, if I see her chasing a duck or chicken I just yell NO and she stops in her tracks, and if I put my hand on her back and say sit she'll sit right at my feet. She's really quite amazing with some of her behavior too. She is extremely jealous of my turkey Tula ,if when I try to give her her daily brocolli or spinach and she refuses it I just say oh well Tulas going to have it and I'll hand Tula a piece, Ella will get all mad and stand between Tula and me and immediately eat her whole bowl of veggies, works every time!
I pay attention to every bit of info that you and others offer me on this subject, Yinepu.

My situation is that the birds don’t need to learn ‘people stuff.’

Seriously, they remain busy with wild-emu stuff.

Watching them learn to navigate the back yard – two gates, a low point in the fence, the car port, and now the fifty-foot gap where the fence used to be – has been the only real ‘intelligence test’ that I have observed.

I gotta say, as much as I love the wild birds, and respect their ‘street savvy’ – of which they have far far more than the pet birds can possibly have – navigating around fences really throws them in a tizz. They panic so very easily. I stood with my heart in my mouth one afternoon when Eric got his toe caught in the fence as he crossed at a low point, and I imagined myself having to rush over to try to extricate him.

We really do have different and interesting-to-compare realities in the pet and tame birds!!

Isn't that funny how they steal everything, especially my husbands work gloves and if you don't get them back right away they always get put in a water bucket!

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