Drug test for welfare recipients

To "theotherranch". Just in case you have been in space for the last several year you would have more luck getting a dead person to do something in Congress then your representative in Congress. They have not been able to agree on how to fix the House toilet much less fix any of the programs you mentioned. At least by writing in a forum you get to blow off some steam and once in a great while you will actually get an intelligent response. Don't hold your breath for an intelligent response from the imbeciles in the House.
To "theotherranch". Just in case you have been in space for the last several year you would have more luck getting a dead person to do something in Congress then your representative in Congress. They have not been able to agree on how to fix the House toilet much less fix any of the programs you mentioned. At least by writing in a forum you get to blow off some steam and once in a great while you will actually get an intelligent response. Don't hold your breath for an intelligent response from the imbeciles in the House.

Totally correct, the only way to have even a shred of hope of changing anything is to become one of those imbeciles yourself.... Sadly most folks prefer to grouse and make sweeping judgments and broad generalizations based on anecdotal evidence rather than get off their duffs and do anything.
I agree with above statements and we got the WORST congressmen to help us out and listen to us as well. I even met one congressman and he was very nice. He informed me that he sided with us but majority voted because of their own best interests were at stake.
“There’s a bus full of nuns headed towards Washington to lobby against the Ryan plan,” radio host Jan Mickelson told Rep. Tom Latham (R-IA) last week. “Do you guys, do you have any power to pull the nuns on the bus over and pistol whip them?”

Representative Latham responded that it was always fun to be on Mickelson's show.

People, it is time to take the negativity down a notch when nuns are the butt of violent and disgusting jokes and the supposed adult in the room says it is fun! How of many of you have passed on racist or violnce containing jokes about the President? Pelosi? How many of called people against the Iraq War traitors? How many like to joke about turning the middle east into a sheet of glass?

How many have joked about wanting Cheney's new heart to fail, or his electric heart pump having a battery failure? Or about him and Bush being subjected to their own interrogation techniques?

Blaming the poor and incorrectly stereotyping them is not going to solve the problems in this country. We can't even seem to have a rational diccussion based on facts instead of fear and anger inducing rhetoric and opinion.

I really want to see the good side of people. It is getting really hard to do because all a great many of you are doing is showing an ugly angry face.

Fact: earning power is down
Fact: average pay is decreasing
Fact: new jobs tend to offer lower pay and benefits
Fact: career jobs are being replaced with service industry jobs
Fact: poverty has increased significantly
Fact: home values are down affecting net worth for families
Fact: private sector profits are up
Fact: private sector jobs have increased
Fact: public sector job loss has accounted for a full percentage of job loss
Fact: congress has not passed job friendly legislation
Fact: I am raising chickens because we cant afford food
Fact: we have common goals and concerns
Fact: congress is not drug tested even though they are responsible for whole flippin nation
Sadly, I did at the time. Since they always announced when they were stopping in for a visit she stayed clean for the day and drug testing randomly was not allowed not a thing could be done. Even when the twins were born addicted nothing could be done by the state legally. Frustrated? Oh yes!! Tips can be called in but they are not taken seriously by the state. you can report until you are blue in the face but nothing can be done. I think that's why there is such a push for testing.
Would not drug testing create bigger government? That is the big problem I see with welfare is many people rely on the poor to sustain the better life for themselves. The profit Jeremiah had similar detainment for the poor and needy and he was told to go live with them for a few years and then come back and talk. I think having social workers and other that run the welfare system should go live with the people, all the people that they give taxpayer money to and see what it is they are really effecting. I have gotten to know the social worker for my child abandoning drug addicted niece, she is a young woman in her thirties and she has told me stories about how her desire to help the poor has been destroyed by the people she is helping ... not the ones that oppose the welfare. She will now admit she is doing it for a job and for no enjoyment whatsoever. She says she has lost her joy.

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