My best friend passed away this week


9 Years
May 16, 2010
south portland, maine
My best friend has been very ill and struggling for a number of years. She's been in hospice care at home for the past 4 months and passed away this week. I'm still kind of in a fog. Her son has come from across the country to stay with me for a week so that we can do what has to be done for arrangements, dismantle her apartment, etc.

I have been caring for her for many hours each day, going there after work to help her, as she only had one local family member to assist with her care. I didn't realize how tired I was until now. I'm relieved that her suffering is over, but I feel so sad. She had a very hard life and a difficult, miserable dying process. It doesn't seem fair.
Sorry for your lose. I hope you remember, she no longer suffers and you now have a very special Guardian Angel.
I'm sorry to hear about her passing. :hugs
You are a great friend, giving up your time to help her every day. Keep the memories of the times you had together close with you! I'll keep you and the family in my thoughts too.
Thanks for all the prayers and kind words.

Sometimes when you don't have a sister, a special friend will be that sister for you -- we had that type of friendship. I happened to hear the song "thank you for being a friend" today, and realized that for a while that will be a song I will sing to myself when I'm missing her.
Friends are such a treasure that the loss may seem overwhelming. In time draw upon the memories of good times and laughter that you shared.

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