What kind of chickens lay speckled eggs?


8 Years
Nov 30, 2011
We have all kinds of white and brown and tan eggs, and the EE babies are coming next month. All I need are some speckled eggs, jsut for fun.

What kind of hen makes those?
Welsummers, Marans lay darker speckled eggs. Like cinnamon cookies with chocolate chips or bits.

Most any other brown egg layer will give you a chance of brown eggs with small speckles.

Any Marans, Penedesenca, or Welsummer cross will give guaranteed neat speckled eggs.
busily making a shopping list......
Hubs is going to be SO MAD......
heck, I have gotten speckled eggs from one of my orpingtons, and my BLRW...but my marans lay pretty speckledy all the time (though mine are just hatchery birds...I hear that breeder quality have much darker egg color).

This egg is either a first marans egg, or another lavender speckled egg from my BLRW Jasmine. I have found that feeding blackberries does this...my other BRLW Candi does not lay speckled eggs. I have found that when Candi gets lots of black berries, the speckles are under the brown, so are not really visible.

My marans girls lay speckled eggs pretty regularly (though some are solid colored). The speckles are usually pretty small though...you can see a couple of speckled eggs in this photo.

It's short for Blue Laced Red Wyandotte. This is what they look like

The speckles that time were kindof a fluke I think...Most of the time, their eggs are solid colored.

Actually the first two birds shown are Splash Laced Red
The bottom one is blue, but appears to lack the mahogany gene to make red. Not to pick at details.
yes, what illia said! Just like other blue breeds, not all turn out blue...unless you breed splash to black or something like that...I don't remember exactly how the color crossing works...Im sure someone will post it!

My girls are hatchery, so Jasmine (the blue bird at the bottom) is very brassy. Candi is the only one that got the deep red mahogany color...the other bird was pretty brassy too, but her lacing was a very light steel blue rather than white with splashes of blue like Candi has.

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