Miscarriage or not?

I know your real hubby is gone...I meant your "new" significant other LOL!

Have your BF support you for a while, giving you a break! That is what my BF did (now hubby) did when I lost my job and was pregnant. It gave me some time to think and get away from the stress it was causing me to lose the job in the first place. Glad I did!

I agree with Heather. You need the break!
As for SSI, since you do not claim it, I can not see why they will discontinue it regardless of your income. It is FOR her and her only.

I have SSI for my daughter, regardless of how much my hubby makes, the SSI is for daughter ONLY...for her school tution, clothes for school, anything she needs for lessons, girl scouts, etc. while we still pay for her living expenses, food, and medical care. Her SSI isn't much but gladly to pay for her private school which our public school nearby sucks (lower income, teachers come and go like revolving doors, high violent rates, etc).

So I dont think SSI can not give you the money for your dd from her deceased father's SS expenses to be paid. Not sure if it would be the Michigan SSI laws or all SSI rules and regulations applies to ALL states.

If I was to die, dd still gets her SSI money, regardless if hubby remarries or not.
The school counselor is also encouraging me to take some more time off.

As far as SSI goes,

DD gets her own SSI from "dad" because she is his child.

As Wayne's widow I have my "own" SSI.

So when I was receiving SSI as a part time teacher last year, I was actually getting 2 deposits, 1 for daughter and 1 for me. Now that I work full time, I make too much but if my income changes, then it is an option.

I will talk to our union guy soon about options
I didn't read every post, I suck I know.
But I can tell you, God bless you. =
I did around 11 weeks, did'nt have an ultrasound before hand, but right before we are to see our OBG, I blead and passed big clots.
Hugs sorry to hear your going threw this... Such a sterssful time
My friend's mother who worked in education for years suggested that I speak with our union rep. I work in 2 buildings (reason I don't have a prep) and the one union rep was present when I was told about my poor performance. I will speak with the other one. She suggested that I also see if I could see other teacher performance reviews to see the "effective" percentage on them.

Also, I first started out in the district as a part-time library aide. When the opening for middle school Spanish teacher came, I applied for, interviewed and got the position--where I am now. The principals did mention to me that I never "resigned" from my library, so if I were to get laid off from teaching due to financial reasons, I could at least do that (assuming that position doesn't get cut either). So, IF I am going to be let go due to being ineffective, then maybe I could at least voluntarily resign from teaching to resume being a library aide.

Also, my friend's mother said that if worse comes to worst and I do get fired and apply for another position elsewhere she said, "All you have to do is tell the truth: My husband died, I had a miscarriage, I was working without a prep period between 2 buildings. It was my first year working full time like that."

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