quail coop

You need 1 square foot per bird. you need to supply shelter. wire for the ground is easier but birds like wood more.
I am posting some pictures of my happy quail in their ground cage. the bottom is not wired. i got this guy along with the others. he has a curved neck, but he's got his own way of seeing things.. his name is Myro.Hey, i want to know, does anyone have quail that are molting? mine are. there's this one that i call Vulture, and his neck feathers are finally coming through.
I I HIGHLY recommend hardware cloth or similar. I used chicken wire on my 1st quail coop, and a rattlesnake kept sneaking in and killing them. It could not get the quail through the holes, so for the longest time I had a mystery of why my quails heads and necks were hanging out the holes. Quail suicide? But then one morning the culprit was still in the cage and I had my answer.
I HIGHLY recommend hardware cloth or similar. I used chicken wire on my 1st quail coop, and a rattlesnake kept sneaking in and killing them. It could not get the quail through the holes, so for the longest time I had a mystery of why my quails heads and necks were hanging out the holes. Quail suicide? But then one morning the culprit was still in the cage and I had my answer.
Sorry but you have more than one kind of predator. Rattlesnakes (and all other snakes) cannot chew the heads off of birds. Snakes swallow their prey whole, and if it didn't have an entire quail in it's belly then it was after the eggs which most snakes relish. Some other kind of predator ate the heads off your birds, and it could have been just about anything except a snake. It probably didn't even have to reach in since quail like to poke their heads out of openings like chicken wire. An instant snack.
I build this quail coop in just over a day. Hope it gives you all ideas on making your own cage.

Measures 4' 7" x 3'

The bottom is hardware cloth with chicken wire on the sides.



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