Eggs Under The Roost.


8 Years
Mar 22, 2011
SE Missouri
Lately I have found thin shelled broken eggs under the roosting bar in my coop. My girls get plenty of calcium in their diet as well as oyster shells. It seems as if the hen is expelling the egg like she would normaly poop while roosting? I have never had this happen before and am curious as to what is causing this. Anyone out there that may be able to shed some light on this problem?
Once in a while I'll have a hen lay an egg during the night. Some are no shell to thin shelled eggs. I don't have an answer as to why this happens though.
Lately I have found thin shelled broken eggs under the roosting bar in my coop. My girls get plenty of calcium in their diet as well as oyster shells. It seems as if the hen is expelling the egg like she would normaly poop while roosting? I have never had this happen before and am curious as to what is causing this. Anyone out there that may be able to shed some light on this problem?

How old are your hens?
Do you provide them with a low light, quiet place to lay their eggs? - maybe they don't like the place where you want them to deposit their eggs - I have a separate little room where the nest boxes are located - I read somewhere that they like it quiet and off the main highway -
Yes I do. extra deep laying boxes. All of the hens use them and I have not had an issue with them not laying in them. I do not find eggs under the roost every day, just every now and then. It just puzzles me as to why this happens.

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