What NOT to feed geese? (Food that isnt safe for them?)

Going Bhonkers

7 Years
Apr 12, 2012
SW Florida
So we've all heard of the rule about not giving dogs chocolate... are there any foods that are unsafe to give geese?

Outside of their grass and regular feed, we're only planning on giving them veggies and fruit - are there any that we should avoid?

What about nuts? Anyway, you get the idea :)
I must have missed that memo on dogs & chocolate. My dogs LOVE Reeses! Don't believe everything you read, even on here. Do some research and get the information first hand. If you are unsure about a food, try it in small portions first. Milk chocolate will not hurt dogs in small portions any more than it hurts humans.
No for geese:

Rhubarb leaves, potato leaves, green potato skins, tomato plants, eggplant plants. They probably won't eat asparagus ferns, but I don't think they are actually harmful

They like corn plants, but limit because of the amount of long stringy fiber. You don't want to fill the crop with it.

I'm sure there are a lot of ornamental plants that are not safe, but those are the ones I can think of from the veggie garden. I give all sorts of fruit. Watermelon and softening apples are the number 1 favorites.

Because onions and garlic aren't good for dogs, I don't give them to my birds, although I have absolutely no idea whether they are bad for the birds or not. Also, it is possible that they might flavor the eggs. (haven't tried it)

Chocolate and cocoa hull mulch have killed dogs, cattle, and horses. I don't know if they are bad for birds or not, but I wouldn't risk it.
I have an 11 lbs dog (see avatar) who loves Reese. She has never had so much as a burp from eating them. Milk chocolate is NOT toxic to dogs. Do the research and quit relying on rumors.

I one time ate an entire bag of mi nature Snicker candy bars and it certainly gave me an upset stomach. Didn't kill me though. If you eat to many apples, you will probably suffer the same upset stomach...doesn't make Snicker or apples toxic.
Quote: Anecdotal evidence does not equal fact...just means folks take their pups to the vet when it pukes on the carpet. Any dehydrated animal can be close to death...still doesn't make milk chocolate toxic. For every dog you saw at the ER, how many ate chocolate eggs and did just fine? You will never know, but yet the rumor continues to grow.
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