Long live the King - the neverending story of Brahmalot!

Oh, come now! I think even those of us with small children get to read books without pictures from time to time! Be a good scribe/minstrel/court jester and keep us up to date on our favorite members of The Royal Family! You can always flood us with pictures later!
There's trouble in paradise! Prince Lucky was caught keeping company with his brother and some of the other princesses.

Princess Stupid gave him a good chewing out ...

... and they have gone their separate ways.

Poor Princess Stupid!

Meanwhile, Lady China has completely recovered from her encounter with the dreaded bumble and is back to her old self,

and the ugly chickling ... is still ugly, kind of.
Several little lords and ladies went on a quest today.

Some were a little nervous about their journey and wanted to hide -

Others were chosen to go far, far away to a new land, but several came back home safe and sound.

The kingdom was happy to welcome them back home.
Several of the young lords and ladies that hadn't earned names yet. Their quests have taken them to new kingdoms with new friendly giants who will take good care of them.
Aw the little one hiding under the big guy, so cute!

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