Chickened Out? Did I do The rIght thing?

pine for sure cedar is poison they're doing a bit better and its really warm today 84 degrees..... still one sounds raspy acts ok other very quiet drinking eating just a very tiny bit, i'll try sugar or go get electrolytes
we who love raising our chicks like a mother hen,
we do our best to keep our peeps safe from harm & besides after the fact who would want a bunch of sick chicks on your hands
my goodness not me,
So if it takes extra days to accomplish my goal , plus i never plan for chicks unless the weather will be at its best for them when they are at the right age when they would be able to go out side & if need be back in at night,so what ever it takes , like i said im their mother hen and as always im going for the best, healthiest well cared for, long lived chicks & the best flock i can accomplish out of my own hard work & that includes what ever it takes to accomplish that goal & yes that has always been part of my original plans, so they will stay in my kitchen with me until, the weather becomes just right for them so they can all thrive like i have planned for them
when im committed to doing something , i give it my best & always try to do it right , cant help it im just built like that
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