Coop floor suggestions?

A heater is going to run hard and all the heat will rise away quickly unless the area is pretty confined, a heat lamp will heat the surface more just don't over do it.  I like my halogen pedestal work lights for drying paint, broader distribution than a regular heat lamp.

The work lights is a great idea I'm pretty sure we have some.... the area is pretty tight for now and was going to use an eden pure heater
Chickens peck at everything and once started don't quit until they get it so only untreated, unpainted wood for mine. And of course a poop board under the roost.
Numerous posts regarding the use of this product and none so far are negative. I use it also. my coop does NOT have "bare wood" floor... it is coated in Blackjack and then covered with pine shavings and deep litter. have had zero issues as described above. Would NOT recommend putting this product down much below lower 60s, even with heat lamps as getting an even cure will be difficult, and if I recall, was recommended to be used in temps above 70. I could go out to the coop and get the bucket (and the label might still be readable), but I'm lazy.

One other comment; make sure you mix it THOROUGHLY as it settles out. I had the paint dept @ lowes shake it for me (twice) right before I used it. It is water based, so high humidity will slow dry time as well.
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